10. Seekers Course


Seekers Courses are a fantastic way of helping your friends to discover who Jesus is and what an impact He could have in their lives. It doesn’t matter how big or small your CU is, there are loads of courses you could use. Invite friends to come along to a course during a free period, where they can think through the claims of Christianity and ask their questions. 


Many students and CUs across the UK have found Youth Alpha to be a really helpful tool in introducing friends to Jesus. The videos are engaging and are a great way to get friends chatting and thinking. Find the Youth Alpha series videos for free on YouTube here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQvT1Ippa7X6K4zSC1GE--oldtIl2vc4N 

 There are also a bunch of free resources to help you run sessions here:  https://alpha.org.uk/youth  


Vox is a new, free youth series for 13-19s from the team at Christianity Explored. It has a mix of video, ''pause'' points for discussion and opening up Luke's gospel, making it a great place for people to explore what God says about life, faith, meaning and purpose. The Vox App has everything you need to go through the series with a seeking friend. The App also makes Vox more adaptable for CUs who want to run the course but have limited time to meet (the videos are flexible so that you can do shorter snippets of a session but run the course for a few weeks longer) 

Check it all out here: https://www.christianityexplored.org/courses/vox/ 


What’s the meaning of life? Is there a God? This course is designed to help people think about God, the world and themselves through immersive videos and thoughtful illustrations. It has been designed so that someone could explore the invitation of Jesus by themselves (a great option to share with someone who would rather chew things over privately) or would also make a great option for those seeking a course to use with a seeking or sceptical friend.  

Check it out and sign up to access the course for free here: https://321.speaklife.org.uk/course/321 


Shine is a fantastic 3 part film series from Scripture Union helping young people in schools explore what faith in Jesus looks like. It would be good for any Sixth Former leading a CU or Christian club in a ‘whole school’ environment. It's free and comes with accompanying resources including bible studies, game ideas and session outlines.  

Sign up for the content and check it out here:  https://www.shineinschools.org 


Daniel McShee