User Friendly Guides
User Friendly guides
A whole range of Bible studies aimed specifically for CUs in an FE and Sixth Form college context.
Perfect for CUs with a good amount of time to meet.
New Testament UFGs
What does it look like to be a true follower of Jesus in your College? How can your CU be authentic, united and joyful? Get stuck into these 7 studies through Philippians!
Why are we here? What is real life all about? These 10 studies in John will show how mind-blowing the message of the Gospel is - and help your CU to share that life-changing message with their friends.
10 studies that get your CU to focus in on the most important man who ever lived. Get stuck into Mark's Gospel and have hearts that burn to know Jesus afresh - and walk in His mission!
What is a Christian Union to stand for? Four fantastic studies in the book of Jude (the closest thing the New Testament gets to a Tweet - it's so short it doesn't have chapters!) You'll be inspired to discern with wisdom and stand firm for Christ!
Old Testament UFGs
5 studies that take you on an incredible journey of Grace, Mercy and Hope. See God at work through the book of Ruth - and see how the same God is at work in your lives today.
How do we deal with our divided hearts? We want our friends to know Jesus but we also want to blend in. Does He really want to use people like you? 4 Studies about the God who pursues us (and our friends!) with an undivided, relentless love.
If you are a Holy and good God - why are we in this mess? 3 studies that follow a Prophets' heart-felt cries to God in the midst of suffering - and shape our faith in the process
Music and song can power home God's word into our hearts like nothing else. These 5 studies in the book of Psalms will move you, excite you, encourage you and challenge you: choose a study for a "one off" or work through all five...!
Do you find it tough to live as a believer and make a stand for Jesus where you study? Do you sometimes think - 'if only our CU was HUGE -then we would really reach our mates!' Get stuck into these 6 studies in Daniel and prepare for some serious life-lessons from an ancient CU!