Prayer resources
Prayer resources
This page is full of stuff to help you pray. Keep coming back as we add new content to this area!
If you would like us to pray for you click here.
10 Reasons to Pray
Finding prayer hard? Going through a season of feeling as dry as a Weetabix? Prayer is one of the most precious gifts we have as Christians – it flows from the very essence of what it is to be a Christian… and yet, we can sometimes find it a battle.
Does prayer change anything?
Does prayer make a difference? Or does God just do his own thing anyway? Why should we bother to pray? Is it worth it? Does it change anything?
How your toothbrush can help you pray for your friends [and other top tips]
Are you the kind of person who wants to pray for your friends regularly but if you’re honest you’re just a bit rubbish at it? Here are 4 top tips to help you stick at it.
Atu’s Story
How praying for my friends made a difference
A short film by our friends at Speak Life. Thankfulness in our prayer life (and life in general) is a game changer!
Glen Scrivener unpacks the first line of the Lord's Prayer where Jesus teaches us how to pray
CU Prayer Resource
Encouragement, tips and tons of ideas helping you to build prayer into the life of your Christian Union
Want to pray for persecuted believers personally or through a CU Prayer Special? Open Doors is one of many brilliant ministries releasing up to date stories and resources helping you to pray for people across the world.