Outreach Ideas
Ten creative ways to share the Gospel at College
There are loads of opportunities in the year for a ‘special’ outreach event if you think outside the box: Pancake Day, Valentine’s Day, Inter Faith Week… even St. Patricks Day could become a fun way to engage with friends!
This is a classic crowd puller. Invite friends and fellow students to come ask any question to a panel of Christians. Make sure someone is ‘chairing’ the event well and be sure to have Gospels/books to give away to people as they leave!
Every half-term, why not host a lunchtime talk on a big question (hot potato) people have about Christianity. Get in a gifted speaker and follow the talk with a Q & A!
A special week of events put on by your CU with the aim of sharing the Good News of Jesus. From giving away freebies with a Bible verse on, having an interactive stall in a busy part of College or a week of ‘hot potato’ events… there’s loads of creative ways to put on a CAW.
Christmas and Easter provide some of the easiest opportunities to share the love of Jesus with friends. How about wrapping up Gospels and giving them as a gift from the CU with candy canes? Or inviting in a speaker for a Hot Potato like “The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?”
Though nerve-racking at first, questionnaires can be a brilliant way of engaging with people where you study. They provide students the opportunity to open up about what they believe or think about things for the first time. Paired with freebie goodies to take away, they can create quite the buzz around College! We’ve produced questionnaires for Christmas, Easter, exam time and more…
Set up a stall complete with edible goodies and freebies. Write a question on a giant piece of paper and invite people to write their own answers (or questions…or doodles) on post-it notes. It’s interactive and often starts some great conversations!
Anyone in CU a gifted singer/songwriter? Do you know of a local Christian who might be up for coming in to play some songs and share something about their story during a free period? People love a bit of music and it can often be combined with a testimony.
There are a whole host of gifts God has given us, can we use any to share the Gospel? Whether it’s through photography, dance, drama or by inviting an outside Christian company or ‘gifted someone’ to come in for an event…?
Seekers Courses are a fantastic way of helping your friends to discover who Jesus is and what an impact He could have in their lives. It doesn’t matter how big or small your CU is, there are loads of courses you could use. Invite friends to come along to a course during a free period, where they can think through the claims of Christianity and ask their questions.
I want them all!
Click here to download all ten ideas