
Beautiful feet holding page


Coming soon... 

Welcome to the home of the Beautiful Feet podcast. We are delighted to bring you a new podcast series - tailor made for Christian students in school, college and sixth form. 

Jam packed with amazing guests - each episode is filled with stories, wisdom and inspiration helping you to live for God where you are.  

You’ll join Karen and Pete as they grill students, authors and well-known evangelists, hearing everything from evangelism highs to major fails.  

Each bitesize episode will point you to Jesus and we pray, give you an increasing courage to step out in faith where God has placed you.  

Save this page! We’ll be launching soon and drop new episodes here (as well as on all the major platforms)


A sneaky peak at our guest line up… 

Jess - former student

Alanzo Paul - OCCA

Glen Scrivener - Speak Life

Rico Tice - Christianity Explored


“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7